先来看一下雅思口语part 1其中一道需求度特别高的话题—Handwriting。下面新航道小编按频率高度来为你们一一讲解。那么为了积累单词和观点,的方式还是先去看一些文章,从而我们可以从片段中提取出来模拟我们的雅思口语表达。
Although most people receive some kind of training in proper handwriting technique(技巧)as small children, we often let go of (放弃)those lessons as we grow up.
Especially in an age when communication and note-taking (记笔记)have moved increasingly to computers and cell phones, many people find themselves in a situation where their handwriting is completely illegible(无法辨认的).
Is your handwriting easy to be read by others?
Although I received some kind of training in proper handwriting technique as a small kid, I just let go of those lessons when I grew up. Now my handwriting is completely illegible.
这段话里已经为我们贡献了一个很的词汇—illegible (无法辨认的) /legible (清晰的)。
1. My handwriting is messy (adj.). / I write messily (adv.).
2. I can’t make out/ distinguish (辨认)his sloppy (草率的)handwriting.
3. The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, illegible scrawl ([skrɔːl] 潦草的字迹).
1. Your handwriting is very neat.
2. Your handwriting is clear and nice.
3. Your gentle, clear, elegant handwriting impressed me.
接着我们再来探讨一个问题:Why is Typing important?
我需要通过这个问题的讨论和了解,你们可以看到更好了解“Handwritting vs Typing”之间的差异性。
Using typing instead of handwriting will help us to be more accurate (精确的) and write with no grammatical errors(语法错误). Typing in word processor(文字处理器)will help in spell checking.
这段话题它提到了一个非常现实性的问题,打字可以避免出现语法问题以及单词拼写问题。我们都知道Word文档和输入法有两个非常棒的功能:Auto-correction (自动纠错)以及Association function (联想功能)。为此当我们在使用电脑打字的时候从来就不用担心是否会拼写错误。但也正是如此让很多逐渐忘记单词怎么拼,字怎么写。
Typing will make you to use less paperand inkthan while you write with hand.
关键词二:Economical/ Eco-friendly
As typing has become so common for creating word documents(文档)of any kind, it is better to learn typing from the young age than opting for(选择) writing a document with hand. Typing can help you to be faster and efficient.
因为word文档,你会发现在电脑上写文章是一件的事情,比如改变字体大小,颜色,插入图片等等。但如果你是手写的,这将会非常的troublesome (麻烦的)。
What’s the difference between handwriting and typing?
I reckon (认为)the difference is about the accuracy. For me, it’s so easy to make spelling mistakes by hand, however, computer has its auto-correction and association functions (联想功能)that can correct my mistakes and help us choose rights words and punctuation (标点符号).