炫技同学会这样回答:You will be really over the moon when you visit my hometown, but it often rains cats and dogs. I only go there once in a blue moon. If you go, you will really hit the nail on the head.
比如刚开头给大家举例的“rain cats and dogs”,如果你将其说成了“rain dogs and cats”或者说成“rain a cat and a dog”都是不对的,一旦在考场上这样说出来,基本就是大型“社死”现场。。。这就好比一个外国人在你面前将“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”说成“种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜”,看上去差别不大,但你听起来是不是总觉得有些别扭?