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201多年09月13日 05:15
供稿单位:互联网   责编:南宁管理员  浏览 0







Describe an important invention which has changed our lives.


Public bike sharing is a total novelty that is considered as a terrific achievement here in China. Life has become more convenient for city dwellers, which facilitates the process of public transport, thanks to this brilliant invention. Wherever we go, we only need to scan a QR code with the apps installed in our smart phones and there will be an available bike nearby.


With a certain amount deposited initially, we can ride the bikes as long as we like. Sharing bike, in a nutshell, is the symbol of modernization and people are enjoying the sense of sharing. People of all ages are keen on riding shared bikes. It is a perfect solution to traffic problems in mega cities and a good way to lead a low-carbon life.  



